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مدال و سکه خارجی جدید

مدال زیبای عربی

یادبود بانک مرکزی بحرین

با نمای ساختمان مرکزی بانک

جنس نقره با عیار 0.99

وزن 70 گرم

کیفیت عالی با جعبه فابریک


فروخته شد

مدال اهدایی کلیسای  San Yuhan

مرکز آموزشی واقع در جزایر قناری اسپانیا

چهار عدد سکه قدیمی عثمانی

دوره خلافت ملک حمید

سالهای سکه : 8 - 11 - 12 - 14

ضرب قسطنطنیه

جنس نقره   سایز بزرگ (16-17 گرم)

نکته جالب :

به همراه داشتن این سکه در ترکیه جرم بوده و


مجازات در پی دارد !

چون حکومت فعلی ترکیه به لحاظ سیاسی


مخالف حکومت عبدالحمید عثمانی است

یک دلاری امریکای قدیم

سایز بزرگ و زیبا

یادبود دویستمین سال تاسیس امریکا

جنس مس با روکش نیکل

موضوعات مرتبط: سادهمدال و نشان خارجی
برچسب‌ها: سکه مدال سکه کمیاب مدال کمیاب سکه کمیاب مدال نایاب سکه جدید مدال جدید سکه نقره دلار قدیمی مدال سکه مدال محمد رضا

تاريخ : یک شنبه 10 آذر 1392 | 1:16 | نویسنده : میلاد شهابی |

مدال کمیاب شوروی

با تصویر رخ چپ از نیکلای دوم آخرین تزار

نقره با عیار بالا   به وزن : 16 گرم


موجود است

مدال کمیاب شوروی

با تصویر رخ چپ از نیکلای دوم آخرین تزار

نقره با عیار بالا   به وزن : 15.5 گرم


موجود است

مدال زیبای ارتشی روسیه

با مینا کاری های قرمز و سفید

جنس نقره با عیار 0.925

نماد معروف داس و چکش در


وسط مدال به چشم میخورد

فروخته شد

مدال بزرگ روسیه

جنس : برنز   وزن : 150 گرم !!!!

با تصویر شخصیت های معروف روسیه

کیفیت بسیار عالی


موجود است

مدال بزرگ روسیه

جنس : برنز   وزن : 150 گرم !!!!

با تصویر شخصیت های معروف روسیه

کیفیت بسیار عالی


موجود است

موضوعات مرتبط: مدال و نشان خارجی
برچسب‌ها: مدال روسی نیکلای دوم تزار های روسیه مدال نقره مدال مینا کاری مدال کمیاب مدال خفن مدال خارجی مدال زیبا مدال معروف مدال قدیمی

تاريخ : سه شنبه 1 آبان 1392 | 22:0 | نویسنده : میلاد شهابی |



Harry S. Truman

Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972) was the 33rd President of the United States (1945–1953). The final running mate of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944, Truman succeeded to the presidency on April 12, 1945, when Roosevelt died after months of declining health. Under Truman, the U.S. successfully concluded World War II; in the aftermath of the conflict, tensions with the Soviet Union increased, marking the start of the Cold War.

Truman was born in Missouri, and spent most of his youth on his family's farm. During World War I, Truman served in combat in France as an artillery officer in his National Guard unit. After the war, he briefly owned a haberdashery and joined the Democratic Party political machine of Tom Pendergast in Kansas City, Missouri. He was first elected to public office as a county official, and in 1935 became U.S. senator. He gained national prominence as head of the wartime Truman Committee, which exposed waste, fraud, and corruption in wartime contracts.

While Germany surrendered a few weeks after Truman assumed the Presidency, the war with Japan was expected to last another year or more. Truman ordered the use of atomic weapons against Japan, intending to force Japan's surrender and spare American lives in an invasion; the decision remains controversial. His presidency was a turning point in foreign affairs, as the nation supported an internationalist foreign policy in conjunction with European allies. Working closely with Congress, Truman assisted in the founding of the United Nations, issued the Truman Doctrine to contain communism, and passed the $13 billion Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, including the Axis Powers of both World Wars, whereas the wartime Ally Soviet Union became the peacetime enemy, and the Cold War began. He oversaw the Berlin Airlift in 1948 and the creation of NATO in 1949. When communist North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, he immediately sent in U.S. troops and gained UN approval for the Korean War. After initial success, the UN forces were thrown back by Chinese intervention and the conflict was stalemated through the final years of Truman's presidency. On domestic issues, bills endorsed by Truman often faced opposition from a Congress controlled by Republicans, but his administration successfully guided the American economy through a post-war recession and started the racial integration of the military.



Corruption in Truman's administration, which was linked to certain members in the cabinet and senior White House staff, was a central issue in the 1952 presidential campaign which Adlai Stevenson, Truman's successor as Democratic nominee, lost to Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower.




Popular and scholarly assessments of his presidency were initially negative, but eventually became more positive after his retirement from politics. Truman's 1948 election upset for his full term as president is routinely invoked by underdog candidates.

Avazak.ir Line15 تصاویر جداکننده متن (2)

hi, today have a us medal

you know who is him and maybe not

this is a bronze medal in half dollar size that

mint at cal.mint co and just for collectors


if you want buy it call to me or send email


sold dears plz dnt order


موضوعات مرتبط: سادهمدال و نشان خارجی

تاريخ : دو شنبه 14 مهر 1392 | 22:37 | نویسنده : میلاد شهابی |

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